Saturday, July 2, 2016

It's Time To Relax

Today was a rather relaxing day. It was basically our only free day throughout the entire trip. Since that was the case, Julia, Jill, and I all slept in until about 11 am. Of course we had breakfast at 8 am, but afterwards, we came back and crashed back out. When we woke back up, we decided to go to the mall by the Kanazawa station since there were a lot sales going on in there. We ate at a restaurant that served pasta and pizza. I ate pizza with some orange juice. Afterwards, I ended up going to a store called Lush and bought face stuff that helps with oily faces. I just wanted to try it since my face is constantly oily. Besides that, there were so many stores to choose from since there were six floors. It was almost overwhelming to me. There was a moment towards the end of our shopping spree that we saw Kristen standing in the middle of a crowd waiting for people to pass by. It looked rather funny because she’s so nice and we were trying to figure out how long she might have been there for just letting people pass by her. When we talked to her, we decided to split up. Julia went with Kristen, and I went with Jill. Jill wanted to see the castle while I wanted to walk through the fish market just right up the street. Once we dropped all our stuff off at the hotel, we made our way there. I walked Jill near the castle so she wouldn’t get lost and I walked towards the fish market. When I got there, all the shops were beginning to close. So I walked through quickly and looked at everything. I thought it was a pretty neat place. It made me wish that I spoke Japanese so I would be able to carry a conversation and get to know more about the locals. I felt like I missed a lot about the culture and the people there by not knowing the language. I decided to return back to the hotel and I forgot that Jill had the key. So I was locked out of the room for about 40 minutes until Day and Rachel walked through. When I was back in the room I fell asleep again and woke up at around 7 pm. I didn’t have dinner because I wasn’t really hungry. So I sorted through all my stuff and called it a night.

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