Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Our Last Full Day in Japan

This morning, we got up for breakfast in the hotel, and left for the Edo-Tokyo Museum. We arrived at 10 am and were given until about 11:15 am to explore the museum. I absolutely loved this museum because there you could play with some of the stuff that was on display. For example, they had actual houses, a theatre, and a newspaper shop actually built inside that you could walk through! I felt like I learned so much more because I was able to interact and watch things before my eyes. They even had little displays of the villages with miniature sized people. That museum was so incredibly detailed, I loved it!
The theater in the museum

We left the museum late. We had to make our way to the business center in Tokyo to meet with a IC alumnus to speak about an internship possibility. The company she worked for was called Sojitz. They were an international and a domestic company that was a trading company. I quite honestly didn’t really understand what they did since the internship wasn’t quite up my field of expertise. But what they had to say was rather interesting. Our next stop was the Emperor's palace. However, we didn't actually get to look at the place because he keeps the palace hidden. So we were able to look at the outside portion of it and take pictures.
View outside of Emperor's Palace
Julia and I at Sojitz

After we left Sojitz, we went back to the hotel and waited to meet back up at 6 pm to go to the Tokyo Tower. When we walked over there, it kind of looked like a red version of the Eiffel Tower. It was really cool. We all went up to the rooftop and had dinner up there. It was outside and an all you can eat buffet. It was nice. We even had to cook our own food. It was also cool to see the tower light up above us. It was a great way to spend the last night in Tokyo, and in Japan at that. I walked back with Jill, Kristen, and Professor Klein to the hotel. I packed up and waited for the next day. 
Tokyo Tower during the day

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