Sunday, July 3, 2016

There Are Over 13 Million People That Live In Tokyo

The morning started off by having breakfast at 8 am in the hotel. We were to meet at the Kanazawa Station by 10 am so we would be able to make the bullet train to Tokyo. We arrived in Tokyo at 12:50 pm and walked straight to our hotel. This was called the Grand Hotel and I shared a room with Julia. It was a very nice hotel. This was probably the biggest hotel room we had the entire trip because we were able to fit all of our luggage without having difficulties. Once we were all settled in, the whole group walked to a restaurant across from the hotel. It was called Jonathan’s and I once again, ate a pizza with some fries. Afterwards, we were brought to the Meiji-Shrine. This was dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken after they died in 1912 and 1914. The shrine was established in 1920. This shrine was beautiful and the area surrounding it was very peaceful. There were so many trees that it felt never-ending.
Temple for Emperor Meiji

Walking along the path to the temple
After we walked around and went back to the front, we were given free-time until about 7 pm. A lot of us went into a kitty café where we were able to pet cats and drink tea at the same time. It was so cute! We were only there for 10 minutes because we didn’t want to pay for tea or coffee. We just wanted to see the cats. After the café, we went to the Harajuku section of Tokyo. It was really cool to see all of the different outfits that some of the people were wearing. I was only able to get a couple of pictures because most were walking by too quickly. However, there were some people that were dressed standing on the side of the street just for the entertainment of the people walking by. The cool part was that you didn’t have to pay them after you got done taking their picture. It was solely just for our entertainment. I was also able to go into a Disney store and find Stars Wars chopsticks. They were the coolest thing ever to find!
A colorful person 

A munchkin kitty! 
Street for Harajuku

Later, our dinner was in the downtown area of Tokyo. We went to a restaurant that was in a shopping center, and I ordered some spicy ramen noodles that were from China. They were super spicy! It brought tears to my eyes and my nose got really runny! Anyway, it was also Kristen’s birthday, so we celebrated by requesting a cake from the restaurant. I was really surprised by how nice she was because she cut that cake into like 15 pieces and tried to give a piece to everyone. Of course nobody really took it because it was her birthday. I had a piece myself though and it was really good. While we walked back outside into the city, I saw how crowded everything was. I have never seen so many people cross the road at once during a red light. It was insane to me! Anyway, afterwards, we headed back to the hotel and called it a night.
Downtown Tokyo

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