Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sakura mean Cherry Blossom in Japanese

This was a rather relaxing day. I was able to sleep in until 9 am and sit around for a little bit. I was able to lay in my bed and watch the new season of Orange is the New Black, and do some laundry. Around 12 pm, I had lunch with Jill in the cafeteria where I ate some type of chicken with a sweet sauce, a bowl of rice, and an egg roll. It always astounds me of how many people go to this school. The cafeteria is very crowded during lunch time and it is nearly impossible to find a seat. Jill and I ended up eating with Rachel and her friends. Looking all around me, it appeared as though the entire Illinois College population could fit in the entirety of the cafeteria. There were so many seating areas, but everything just continued to fill up even with two levels of seating. It was crazy! Anyway, after we ate, Jill went to meet her partner and I walked back to my room to wait for 3 pm to come around. When my partner Sakura finally came back from her TA job at 3 pm, we walked to where her lab was. When we arrived, we had to change our shoes to slippers and she showed me around. Everything was pretty similar to our labs at Illinois College. She also showed me the lab where they grow plants. I found this to be pretty cool because she showed me all of the plants that were mutated how they grew. We then sat down and ran through the PowerPoint to make sure we had everything sorted out.
Sakura's lab

Lab where Sakura's mutant plants grew
Afterwards, Sakura was a sweetheart and brought me to the convenient store. She showed me some treats that many kids in Japan enjoy. One was a potato treat that had soy sauce tasting, seaweed with horse radish, a pure soy stick, and another type of candy that I can’t remember. When she left, I got ready for another get-together party with students from BKC campus, and University of California – Davis. We mainly did two things. The first was that we did was sit in groups and discuss what were we surprised by in Japan, what we do in our free time, and where we live. We also played a game where we had to sit in a circle and see who would have something common. If you had something in common with the person in the middle, then you had to get up and run to an empty chair. It was fun, but then dinner was given and it was the end of the night.

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